Investment Advisory Committee

Investment Advisory Committee


Indooroopilly Golf Club (IGC or the Club) has negotiated a Lease of part of its land at Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, Qld, 4068 subject to Brisbane City Council approval of a development application for
retirement village use. IGC has received the initial payment from the tenant for the retirement village use which, after expenditure from such payments approved by ordinary resolution at the general meeting of IGC on 30 November 2017, along with future payments from the tenant, collectively, the “Relevant Funds” as defined and managed in accordance with Clause 25 of the Club Constitution. The Relevant Funds are to be invested in the name of the Club.

The Investment Advisory Committee (IAC or Committee) is established to advise the Board of Directors of the Club (Board) in relation to the investment and management of the Relevant Funds. In addition, where appropriate, the Board may extend the advisory role to incorporate a funding plan, including Relevant Funds and other financing sources, in relation to major capital projects and development plans for the Club, the “Capital Funding Plan”.

General Purpose

The principal roles of the Committee are to:

  • assist the Board by assessing, recommending, monitoring and implementing investment strategies in relation to the Relevant Funds; and
  • advise the Board in relation to the development and ongoing management of the Capital Funding Plan, as required.

IAC Members

  • Geoffrey Brown – Chairman, Multinational Head of Corporate Finance, Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director
    Paul Laxon – Treasurer, former Queensland Managing Partner of major accounting firm
    Malcolm Gillespie – Director, Investment Professional
    Richard Meyers – Investment Professional
    Paul De Beer – Investment Professional

Additional Detailed IAC Information